n. 1 substance, material, matter, fabric, ingredients, essence, essentials, fundamentals, building blocks, makings This is the stuff that dreams are made on Is hydrogen the basic stuff of the universe? 2 equipment, goods, gear, trappings, kit, tackle, accessories, paraphernalia, accoutrements or US also accouterments, effects, belongings, possessions, things, bits and pieces, impedimenta, baggage, property, chattels, furniture, Brit lumber, Colloq junk, rubbish, crap, Brit clobber, Taboo slang shit Graham left all his stuff with his mother when he went west 3 spirit, attitude, grit, substance, makings, talent(s), abilities, capabilities, qualities, attributes Is Simon the stuff of which commandos are made? 4 nonsense, trash, rubbish, stuff and nonsense, twaddle, humbug, bunkum, tommy-rot, balderdash, Colloq rot, garbage, bunk, tripe, poppycock, crap, malarkey, boloney or baloney, bosh, hogwash, swill, claptrap, piffle, hot air, flapdoodle, fiddle-faddle, codswallop, bull, US horse feathers, Taboo slang bullshit, horseshit You don't believe all that stuff you've been reading about me, do you? 5 creations, accomplishments, things, works, materials, matter: Without the attributions, I'd have trouble telling their stuff apart
v. 6 jam, ram, cram, crowd, compress, pack, press, squeeze, squash, shove, thrust, force You couldn't stuff another handkerchief into that suitcase 7 line, fill, pack Stuff the chicken with the following mixture 8 overeat, gorge, overindulge, gormandize, gluttonize, Colloq make a pig or a hog of oneself They really stuffed themselves at the wedding reception 9 stuff up. clog, plug, obstruct, choke, block (up), stop or US also pack up Phone the plumber the drain is stuffed up again The cold had given her a headache and a stuffed-up nose.