Pronunciation: ' süt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sute, seute pursuit, retinue, set, legal action, from Anglo-French siute, suite, from Vulgar Latin *sequita, from feminine of *sequitus, past participle of *sequere to follow ― more at SUE
Date: 14th century
1 archaic : SUITE 1
2 a : recourse or appeal to a feudal superior for justice or redress b : an action or process in a court for the recovery of a right or claim
3 : an act or instance of suing or seeking by entreaty : APPEAL specifically : COURTSHIP
4 : a group of things forming a unit : SUITE ― used chiefly of armor, sails, and counters in games
5 : a set of garments: as a : an ensemble of two or more usually matching outer garments (as a jacket, vest, and trousers) <businessmen wearing three-piece suit s > b : a costume to be worn for a special purpose or under particular conditions <gym suit s >
6 a : all the playing cards in a pack bearing the same symbol b : all the dominoes bearing the same number c : all the cards or counters in a particular suit held by one player <a 5-card suit > d : the suit led <follow suit >
7 slang : a business executive ― usually used in plural
– suit · ed \ ' sü-t ə d \ adjective