Pronunciation: ' tak
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English takken, from tak
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : ATTACH especially : to fasten or affix with tacks
2 : to join in a slight or hasty manner
3 a : to add as a supplement b : to add (a rider) to a parliamentary bill
4 : to change the direction of (a sailing ship) when sailing close-hauled by turning the bow to the wind and shifting the sails so as to fall off on the other side at about the same angle as before
intransitive verb
1 a : to tack a sailing ship b of a ship : to change to an opposite tack by turning the bow to the wind c : to follow a course against the wind by a series of tacks
2 a : to follow a zigzag course b : to modify one's policy or attitude abruptly
– tack · er noun