Pronunciation: ' tr ā d
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Low German; akin to Old High German trata track, course, Old English tredan to tread
Date: 14th century
1 a obsolete : a path traversed : WAY b archaic : a track or trail left by a person or animal : TREAD 1
2 : a customary course of action : PRACTICE <thy sin's not accidental, but a trade ― Shakespeare>
3 a : the business or work in which one engages regularly : OCCUPATION b : an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill : CRAFT c : the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry
4 a obsolete : dealings between persons or groups b (1) : the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities : COMMERCE (2) : BUSINESS , MARKET <novelties for the tourist trade > <did a good trade in small appliances>
5 a : an act or instance of trading : TRANSACTION also : an exchange of property usually without use of money b : a firm's customers : CLIENTELE c : the group of firms engaged in a business or industry
6 : TRADE WIND ― usually used in plural
7 : a publication intended for persons in the entertainment business ― usually used in plural
synonyms see BUSINESS