Pronunciation: ' vi-g( ə -)r ə s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English vigorous, vigrous, from Anglo-French, from vigour
Date: 14th century
1 : possessing vigor : full of physical or mental strength or active force : STRONG <a vigorous youth> <a vigorous plant>
2 : done with vigor : carried out forcefully and energetically < vigorous exercises>
– vig · or · ous · ly adverb
– vig · or · ous · ness noun
synonyms VIGOROUS , ENERGETIC , STRENUOUS , LUSTY , NERVOUS mean having or showing great vitality and force. VIGOROUS further implies showing no signs of depletion or diminishing of freshness or robustness <as vigorous as a youth half his age>. ENERGETIC suggests a capacity for intense activity <an energetic campaigner>. STRENUOUS suggests a preference for coping with the arduous or the challenging <the strenuous life on an oil rig>. LUSTY implies exuberant energy and capacity for enjoyment <a lusty appetite for life>. NERVOUS suggests especially the forcibleness and sustained effectiveness resulting from mental vigor <full of nervous energy>.