Synonyms and related words :
ablaze, acid, active, acute, afire, aggressive, animated, ardent, armipotent, athletic, authoritative, balmy, beefy, biting, blooming, blossoming, boiling over, booming, bouncing, breathless, brisk, burning, cartilaginous, chewy, clear, cogent, cohesive, cordial, coriaceous, corrosive, cutting, dashing, delirious, doughty, driving, drunk, durable, dynamic, effective, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, excited, exuberant, fair, fat, febrile, fervent, fervid, fevered, feverish, fibrous, fiery, fit, flaming, flourishing, flowering, flush, flushed, forceful, forcible, forcy, fruiting, full of beans, full of pep, full-blooded, full-strength, glowing, go-go, going strong, gristly, gutsy, gutty, halcyon, hale, hale and hearty, hard, hard as nails, hard-hitting, hardy, healthy, hearty, heated, hefty, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, hot, husky, impassioned, imperative, impetuous, impressive, in force, in full swing, in good case, in power, incisive, intense, intoxicated, iron-hard, irresistible, keen, kinetic, lasting, leatherlike, leathery, lively, living, lusty, masterful, mettlesome, mighty, mighty in battle, mordant, muscular, nervous, nervy, obstinate, on fire, operative, palmy, passionate, penetrating, peppy, piercing, piping, poignant, potent, powerful, prepotent, prospering, proud, puissant, punchy, red-blooded, red-hot, resilient, resistant, robust, robustious, robustuous, ropy, rosy, rough-and-ready, rude, rugged, ruling, sensational, sinewed, sinewy, slashing, sleek, smacking, snappy, spanking, spirited, sprightly, spry, stalwart, steaming, steamy, steely, stiff, stout, strapping, strenuous, striking, stringy, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, stubborn, sturdy, take-charge, take-over, telling, tenacious, thriving, tough, tough as leather, trenchant, unrestrained, untiring, valid, vibrant, vigil, viscid, vital, vivacious, vivid, warm, wiry, zealous, zestful, zesty, zippy