Pronunciation: ' wo ̇ n-t ə n, ' wän-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from wan- deficient, wrong, mis- (fr. Old English, from wan deficient) + towen, past participle of teen to draw, train, discipline, from Old English t ē on ― more at TOW
Date: 14th century
1 a archaic : hard to control : UNDISCIPLINED , UNRULY b : playfully mean or cruel : MISCHIEVOUS
2 a : LEWD , BAWDY b : causing sexual excitement : LUSTFUL , SENSUAL
3 a : MERCILESS , INHUMANE < wanton cruelty> b : having no just foundation or provocation : MALICIOUS <a wanton attack>
4 : being without check or limitation: as a : luxuriantly rank < wanton vegetation> b : unduly lavish : EXTRAVAGANT < wanton imagination>
– wan · ton · ly adverb
– wan · ton · ness \ -t ə n-n ə s \ noun