Meaning of WANTON in English

[wan.ton] adj [ME, fr. wan- deficient, wrong, mis- (fr. OE, fr. wan deficient) + towen, pp. of teen to draw, train, discipline, fr. OE teon--more at tow] (14c) 1 a archaic: hard to control: undisciplined, unruly b: playfully mean or cruel: mischievous

2. a: lewd, bawdy b: causing sexual excitement: lustful, sensual 3 a: merciless, inhumane "~ cruelty" b: having no just foundation or provocation: malicious "a ~ attack"

4: being without check or limitation: as a: luxuriantly rank "~ vegetation" b: unduly lavish: extravagant -- wan.ton.ly adv -- wan.ton.ness n

[2]wanton n (1526) 1: a pampered person or animal: pet; esp: a spoiled child

2: a frolicsome child or animal 3 a: one given to self-indulgent flirtation or trifling--used esp. in the phrase play the wanton b: a lewd or lascivious person [3]wanton vi (1582): to be wanton or act wantonly ~ vt: to pass or waste wantonly or in wantonness -- wan.ton.er n

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