Pronunciation: ' w ə r- ē , ' w ə -r ē
Function: verb
Inflected Form: wor · ried ; wor · ry · ing
Etymology: Middle English worien, from Old English wyrgan; akin to Old High German wurgen to strangle, Lithuanian ver ž ti to constrict
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1 dialect British : CHOKE , STRANGLE
2 a : to harass by tearing, biting, or snapping especially at the throat b : to shake or pull at with the teeth <a terrier worry ing a rat> c : to touch or disturb something repeatedly d : to change the position of or adjust by repeated pushing or hauling
3 a : to assail with rough or aggressive attack or treatment : TORMENT b : to subject to persistent or nagging attention or effort
4 : to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious
intransitive verb
1 dialect British : STRANGLE , CHOKE
2 : to move, proceed, or progress by unceasing or difficult effort : STRUGGLE
3 : to feel or experience concern or anxiety : FRET < worry ing about his health>
– wor · ried · ly \ -(r) ē d-l ē , -(r) ə d- \ adverb
– wor · ri · er \ -(r) ē - ə r \ noun
– wor · ry · ing · ly adverb
synonyms WORRY , ANNOY , HARASS , HARRY , PLAGUE , PESTER , TEASE mean to disturb or irritate by persistent acts. WORRY implies an incessant goading or attacking that drives one to desperation <pursued a policy of worrying the enemy>. ANNOY implies disturbing one's composure or peace of mind by intrusion, interference, or petty attacks <you're doing that just to annoy me>. HARASS implies petty persecutions or burdensome demands that exhaust one's nervous or mental power < harassed on all sides by creditors>. HARRY may imply heavy oppression or maltreatment <the strikers had been harried by thugs>. PLAGUE implies a painful and persistent affliction < plagued all her life by poverty>. PESTER stresses the repetition of petty attacks <constantly pestered with trivial complaints>. TEASE suggests an attempt to break down one's resistance or rouse to wrath <children teased the dog>.