Meaning of WORRY in English

v. & n.

--v. (-ies, -ied)

1. intr. give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.

2 tr. harass, importune; be a trouble or anxiety to.

3 tr. a (of a dog etc.) shake or pull about with the teeth. b attack repeatedly.

4 (as worried adj.) a uneasy, troubled in the mind. b suggesting worry (a worried look).

--n. (pl. -ies)

1. a thing that causes anxiety or disturbs a person's tranquillity.

2 a disturbed state of mind; anxiety; a worried state.

3 a dog's worrying of its quarry.

Phrases and idioms:

not to worry colloq. there is no need to worry. worry along (or through) manage to advance by persistence in spite of obstacles. worry beads a string of beads manipulated with the fingers to occupy or calm oneself. worry-guts (or -wart) colloq. a person who habitually worries unduly. worry oneself (usu. in neg.) take needless trouble. worry out obtain (the solution to a problem etc.) by dogged effort.


worriedly adv. worrier n. worryingly adv.

Etymology: OE wyrgan strangle f. WG

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