Meaning of AIM in English

[aim] vb [ME, fr. MF aesmer & esmer; MF aesmer, fr. OF, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + esmer to estimate, fr. L aestimare] vi (14c) 1: to direct a course; specif: to point a weapon at an object

2: aspire, intend "~s to reform the government" ~ vt 1 obs: guess, conjecture

2. a: point b: to direct to or toward a specified object or goal "a program ~ed at reducing pollution"

[2]aim n (14c) 1 obs: mark, target

2. a: the pointing of a weapon at a mark b: the ability to hit a target c: a weapon's accuracy or effectiveness 3 obs a: conjecture, guess b: the directing of effort toward a goal

4: a clearly directed intent or purpose syn see intention -- aim.less adj -- adv -- aim.less.ness n

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