Meaning of ANSWER in English

[an.swer] n [ME, fr. OE andswaru (akin to ON andsvar answer); akin to OE and- against, swerian to swear--more at ante-] (bef. 12c) 1 a: something spoken or written in reply to a question b: a correct response

2: a reply to a legal charge or suit: plea; also: defense

3: something done in response or reaction "his only ~ was to walk out"

4: a solution of a problem

5: one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another "television's ~ to the news magazines"

[2]answer vb an.swered ; vi (bef. 12c) 1: to speak or write in reply

2. a: to be or make oneself responsible or accountable b: to make amends: atone

3: to be in conformity or correspondence "~ed to the description"

4: to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or by another

5: to be adequate: serve ~ vt 1 a: to speak or write in reply to b: to say or write by way of reply

2: to reply in rebuttal, justification, or explanation 3 a: to correspond to "~s the description" b: to be adequate or usable for: fulfill

4. obs: to atone for

5: to act in response to "~ed the call to arms"

6: to offer a solution for; esp: solve -- n syn answer, respond, reply, rejoin, retort mean to say, write, or do something in return. answer implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need "answered all the questions". respond may suggest an immediate or quick reaction "responded eagerly to a call for volunteers". reply implies making a return commensurate with the original question or demand "an invitation that requires you to reply". rejoin often implies sharpness or quickness in answering ""who asked you?" she rejoined". retort suggests responding to an explicit charge or criticism by way of retaliation "he retorted to the attack with biting sarcasm".

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