Meaning of BORDER in English

[bor.der] n [ME bordure, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. border to border, fr. bort border, of Gmc origin; akin to OE bord] (14c) 1: an outer part or edge

2: an ornamental design at the edge of a fabric or rug

3: a narrow bed of planted ground along the edge of a garden or walk "a ~ of tulips"

4: boundary "crossed the ~ into Italy"

5: a plain or decorative margin around printed matter -- bor.dered adj

[2]border vb bor.dered ; vt (14c) 1: to put a border on

2: to touch at the edge or boundary: bound "~s the city on the south" ~ vi 1: to lie on the border "the U.S. ~s on Canada"

2: to approach the nature of a specified thing: verge "~s on the ridiculous" -- n

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