noun a narrow flower bed.
2. border ·vt to confine within bounds; to limit.
3. border ·vi to approach; to come near to; to verge.
4. border ·noun a strip or stripe arranged along or near the edge of something, as an ornament or finish.
5. border ·noun the outer part or edge of anything, as of a garment, a garden, ·etc.; margin; verge; brink.
6. border ·noun a boundary; a frontier of a state or of the settled part of a country; a frontier district.
7. border ·vt to make a border for; to furnish with a border, as for ornament; as, to border a garment or a garden.
8. border ·vi to touch at the edge or boundary; to be contiguous or adjacent;
with on or upon as, connecticut borders on massachusetts.
9. border ·vt to be, or to have, contiguous to; to touch, or be touched, as by a border; to be, or to have, near the limits or boundary; as, the region borders a forest, or is bordered on the north by a forest.