[bor.row] vb [ME borwen, fr. OE borgian; akin to OE beorgan to preserve--more at bury] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to receive with the implied or expressed intention of returning the same or an equivalent "~ a book" "~ed a dollar" b: to borrow (money) with the intention of returning the same plus interest
2. a: to appropriate for one's own use "~ a metaphor" b: derive, adopt
3: to take (one) from a digit of the minuend in arithmetical subtraction in order to add as
10. to the digit holding the next lower place
4: to adopt into one language from another
5. dial: lend ~ vi: to borrow something -- bor.row.er n -- borrow trouble : to do something unnecessarily that may result in adverse reaction or repercussions