[brake] archaic past of break
[2]brake n [ME, fern, prob. back-formation fr. braken bracken] (14c): the common bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) [3]brake n [ME, fr. MLG; akin to OE brecan to break] (15c) 1: a toothed instrument or machine for separating out the fiber of flax or hemp by breaking up the woody parts
2: a machine for bending, flanging, folding, and forming sheet metal [4]brake n [ME -brake] (1563): rough or marshy land overgrown usu. with one kind of plant -- braky adj [5]brake n [perh. fr. obs. brake bridle] (ca. 1782) 1: a device for arresting or preventing the motion of a mechanism usu. by means of friction
2: something used to slow down or stop movement or activity "use interest rates as a ~ on spending" -- brake.less adj [6]brake vb braked ; brak.ing vt (1868): to retard or stop by a brake ~ vi 1: to operate or manage a brake; esp: to apply the brake on a vehicle
2: to become checked by a brake