Meaning of CONFINE in English

[con.fine] n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF confines, pl., fr. L confine border, fr. neut. of confinis adjacent, fr. com- + finis end] (15c) 1 pl a: something (as borders or walls) that encloses "outside the ~s of the office or hospital --W. A. Nolen"; also: something that restrains "escape from the ~s of soot and clutter --E. S. Muskie" b: scope 3 "work within the ~s of a small group --Frank Newman"

2. a archaic: restriction b obs: prison

[2]con.fine vb con.fined ; vi (1523) archaic: border ~ vt 1 a: to hold within a location b: imprison

2: to keep within limits "will ~ my remarks to one subject" syn see limit -- n

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