Meaning of CURRY in English

[cur.ry] vt cur.ried ; [ME currayen, fr. OF correer to prepare, curry, fr. (assumed) VL conredare, fr. L com- + a base of Gmc origin; akin to Goth garaiths arrayed--more at ready] (13c) 1: to clean the coat of (as a horse) with a currycomb

2: to treat (tanned leather) esp. by incorporating oil or grease

3: beat, thrash -- n -- curry favor [ME currayen favel to curry a chestnut horse]: to seek to gain favor by flattery or attention

[2]cur.ry also cur.rie n, pl curries [Tamil kari] (1681) 1: a food, dish, or sauce in Indian cuisine seasoned with a mixture of pungent spices; also: a food or dish seasoned with curry powder

2: curry powder [3]curry vt cur.ried ; (1839): to flavor or cook with curry powder or a curry sauce

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