Meaning of DRESS in English

[dress] vb [ME, fr. MF dresser, fr. OF drecier, fr. (assumed) VL directiare, fr. L directus direct, pp. of dirigere to direct, fr. dis- + regere to lead straight--more at right] vt (14c) 1 a: to make or set straight b: to arrange (as troops) in a straight line and at proper intervals

2: to prepare for use or service; specif: to prepare for cooking or for the table

3: to add decorative details or accessories to: embellish

4. a: to put clothes on b: to provide with clothing

5. archaic: dress down

6. a: to apply dressings or medicaments to b (1): to arrange (the hair) by combing, brushing, or curling (2): to groom and curry (an animal) c: to kill and prepare for market or for consumption--often used with out d: cultivate, tend; esp: to apply manure or fertilizer to e: to put through a finishing process; esp: to trim and smooth the surface of (as lumber or stone) ~ vi 1 a: to put on clothing b: to put on or wear formal, elaborate, or fancy clothes "~ for dinner"

2. of a food animal: to weigh after being dressed--often used with out

3: to align oneself with the next soldier in a line to make the line straight -- dress ship : to ornament a ship for a celebration by hoisting national ensigns at the mastheads and running a line of signal flags and pennants from bow to stern

[2]dress n (1606) 1: apparel, clothing

2: an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usu. consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt

3: covering, adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time

4: a particular form of presentation: guise [3]dress adj (1767) 1: suitable for a formal occasion

2: requiring or permitting formal dress "a ~ affair"

3: relating to or used for a dress

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