[due] adj [ME, fr. MF deu, pp. of devoir to owe, fr. L debere--more at debt] (14c) 1: owed or owing as a debt
2. a: owed or owing as a natural or moral right "everyone's right to dissent ... is ~ the full protection of the Constitution --Nat Hentoff" b: according to accepted notions or procedures: appropriate 3 a: satisfying or capable of satisfying a need, obligation, or duty: adequate b: regular, lawful "~ proof of loss"
4: capable of being attributed: ascribable--used with to "this advance is partly ~ to a few men of genius --A. N. Whitehead"
5: having reached the date at which payment is required: payable
6: required or expected in the prescribed, normal, or logical course of events: scheduled; also: expected to give birth -- due.ness n
[2]due n (15c): something due or owed: as a: something that rightfully belongs to one b: a payment or obligation required by law or custom: debt c pl: fees, charges [3]due adv (1597) 1 obs: duly
2: directly, exactly "~ north"