Meaning of EMBRACE in English

[em.brace] vb em.braced ; em.brac.ing [ME, fr. MF embracer, fr. OF embracier, fr. en- + brace two arms--more at brace] vt (14c) 1 a: to clasp in the arms: hug b: cherish, love

2: encircle, enclose 3 a: to take up esp. readily or gladly "~ a cause" b: to avail oneself of: welcome "embraced the opportunity to study further"

4. a: to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive whole "charity ~s all acts that contribute to human welfare" b: to be equal or equivalent to "his assets embraced $10" ~ vi: to participate in an embrace syn see adopt, include -- embrace.able adj -- em.brace.ment n -- em.brac.er n -- em.brac.ing.ly adv

[2]embrace n (1592) 1: a close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom esp. as a sign of affection: hug

2: grip, encirclement "in the ~ of terror"

3: acceptance "her ~ of new ideas"

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