Synonyms and related words :
abduct, accept, accommodate, accost, accouple, accueil, accumulate, address, adhere, adhere to, admit, adopt, adoption, affiliate, agglomerate, agglutinate, amass, ankle, approve, articulate, articulation, assemble, assimilate, associate, band, bear, bear hug, bite, bob, bond, bosom, boundary, bow, box, bracket, bridge, bridge over, bunch, butt, carry, carry off, case, cement, cervix, chain, cherish, clamp, clap together, clasp, cleave, cleave to, clench, clinch, cling, cling to, clinging, clip, close, closure, clot, cluster, clutch, coagulate, cohere, collect, combine, come together, communicate, compass, compass about, complete, compose, comprehend, comprise, concatenate, congeal, conglobulate, conglomerate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, contain, converge, copulate, count in, couple, coupling, cover, cradle, crate, cuddle, curtsy, death grip, dovetail, elbow, embay, embody, embosom, embox, embracement, embracing, employ, encapsulate, encase, encircle, enclasp, enclose, encompass, enfold, enfoldment, enshroud, entertain, entwine, envelop, environ, envisage, enwrap, espouse, fill, fill in, fill out, firm hold, fold, fondle, foothold, footing, foster, freeze to, gather, glad hand, gliding joint, glue, go around, go in for, go round, grapple, grasp, greeting, grip, gripe, grow together, hail, hand-clasp, handshake, hang on, hang on to, hang together, harbor, have, have and hold, hearty welcome, hello, hinge, hinged joint, hip, hold, hold fast, hold on, hold on to, hold tight, hold together, how-do-you-do, hug, include, incorporate, intercommunicate, interface, invest, involve, iron grip, join, joining, joint, juncture, keep, keep hold of, kidnap, kiss, knee, knit, knot, knuckle, lap, lay together, league, link, lock, lump together, make use of, make welcome, marry, marshal, mass, meet, merge, miter, mobilize, mortise, neck, never let go, nip, nod, number among, nurse, nurture, nuzzle, occupy, open arms, pack, package, pair, pass, persist, piece together, pivot, pivot joint, press, purchase, put together, rabbet, ratify, receive, reception, reckon among, reckon in, reckon with, roll into one, salutation, salute, scarf, seam, seizure, set, shanghai, sheathe, shoulder, shroud, smile, smile of recognition, smiling reception, smother, snuggle, solder, solidify, span, splice, squeeze, stay, stay put, stick, stick to, stick together, stitch, subsume, surround, suture, swaddle, swathe, symphysis, take hold of, take in, take into account, take into consideration, take on, take over, take up, tape, the glad hand, throttle, tie, tie rod, tight grip, toehold, toggle, toggle joint, treasure, treasure up, twine, unify, union, unite, use, wave, welcome, welcome mat, welcoming, weld, wrap, wrap about, wrap up, wrist, yoke