[emp.ty] adj emp.ti.er ; -est [ME, fr. OE aemettig unoccupied, fr. aemetta leisure, perh. fr. ae- without + -metta (prob. akin to motan to have to)--more at must] (bef. 12c) 1 a: containing nothing b: not occupied or inhabited c: unfrequented d: not pregnant "~ heifer" e: null 4a "the ~ set"
2. a: lacking reality, substance, meaning, or value: hollow "an ~ pleasure" b: destitute of effect or force c: devoid of sense: foolish
3: hungry
4. a: idle "~ hours" b: having no purpose or result: useless
5: marked by the absence of human life, activity, or comfort -- emp.ti.ly adv -- emp.ti.ness n syn empty, vacant, blank, void, vacuous mean lacking contents which could or should be present. empty suggests a complete absence of contents "an empty bucket". vacant suggests an absence of appropriate contents or occupants "a vacant apartment". blank stresses the absence of any significant, relieving, or intelligible features on a surface "a blank wall". void suggests absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine "a statement void of meaning". vacuous suggests the emptiness of a vacuum and esp. the lack of intelligence or significance "a vacuous facial expression". syn see in addition vain
[2]empty vb emp.tied ; emp.ty.ing vt (1555) 1 a: to make empty: remove the contents of b: deprive, divest c: to discharge (itself) of contents d: to fire (a repeating firearm) until empty
2: to remove from what holds or encloses "~ the grain from sacks" ~ vi 1: to become empty
2: to discharge contents "the river empties into the ocean" [3]empty n, pl emp.ties (1535): something (as a container) that is empty