[evap.o.rate] vb -rat.ed ; -rat.ing [ME, fr. L evaporatus, pp. of evaporare, fr. e- + vapor steam, vapor] vt (15c) 1 a: to convert into vapor; also: to dissipate or draw off in vapor or fumes b: to deposit (as a metal) in the form of a film by sublimation
2. a: to expel moisture from b: expel "~ electrons from a hot wire" ~ vi 1 a: to pass off in vapor or in invisible minute particles b (1): to pass off or away: disappear "my despair evaporated --J. F. Wharton" (2): to diminish quickly
2: to give forth vapor -- evap.o.ra.tion n -- evap.o.ra.tive adj -- evap.o.ra.tor n