/i vap"euh rayt'/ , v. , evaporated, evaporating .
1. to change from a liquid or solid state into vapor; pass off in vapor.
2. to give off moisture.
3. to disappear; vanish; fade: His hopes evaporated.
4. to convert into a gaseous state or vapor; drive off or extract in the form of vapor: The warm sun evaporated the dew.
5. to extract moisture or liquid from, as by heat, so as to make dry or to reduce to a denser state: to evaporate fruit.
6. to cause to disappear or fade; dissipate: His involvement in the scandal evaporated any hope he had for a political career.
[ 1375-1425; late ME evaporaten evaporatus (ptp. of evaporare to disperse in vapor); see E-, VAPOR, -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 1. vaporize. 3. evanesce. 5. EVAPORATE, DEHYDRATE, DRY mean to abstract moisture from. To EVAPORATE is to remove moisture by means of heat, forced ventilation, or the like, and thus to produce condensation or shriveling: to evaporate milk, sliced apples. TO DEHYDRATE is to remove moisture from a vegetable, fruit, or body tissue: to dehydrate fruit; dehydrated from running. TO DRY may mean to wipe moisture off the surface or to withdraw moisture by natural means, such as exposure to air or heat: to dry a dish, clothes.