[foam] n [ME fome, fr. OE fam; akin to OHG feim foam, L spuma foam, pumex pumice] (bef. 12c) 1: a light frothy mass of fine bubbles formed in or on the surface of a liquid: as a: a frothy mass formed in salivating or sweating b: a stabilized froth produced chemically or mechanically and used esp. in fighting oil fires c: a material in a lightweight cellular form resulting from introduction of gas bubbles during manufacture
2: sea
3: something resembling foam -- foam.less adj
[2]foam vi (bef. 12c) 1 a: to produce or form foam b: to froth at the mouth esp. in anger; broadly: to be angry
2: to gush out in foam
3: to become covered with or as if with foam "streets ... ~ing with life --Thomas Wolfe" ~ vt 1: to cause to foam; specif: to cause air bubbles to form in
2: to convert (as a plastic) into a foam -- foam.able adj -- foam.er n