Meaning of FORGET in English

[for.get] vb -got ; -got.ten or -got ; -get.ting [ME, fr. OE forgietan, fr. for- + -gietan (akin to ON geta to get)] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to lose the remembrance of: be unable to think of or recall "I ~ his name" b obs: to cease from doing

2: to treat with inattention or disregard "forgot their old friends"

3: to disregard intentionally: overlook--usu. used in the imperative "~ it" ~ vi 1: to cease remembering or noticing "forgive and ~"

2: to fail to become mindful at the proper time "~ about paying the bill" syn see neglect -- for.get.ter n -- forget oneself : to lose one's dignity, temper, or self-control

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