— forgettable , adj. — forgetter , n.
/feuhr get"/ , v. , forgot or ( Archaic ) forgat; forgotten or forgot; forgetting .
1. to cease or fail to remember; be unable to recall: to forget someone's name.
2. to omit or neglect unintentionally: I forgot to shut the window before leaving.
3. to leave behind unintentionally; neglect to take: to forget one's keys.
4. to omit mentioning; leave unnoticed.
5. to fail to think of; take no note of.
6. to neglect willfully; disregard or slight.
7. to cease or omit to think of something.
8. forget oneself , to say or do something improper or unbefitting one's rank, position, or character.
[ bef. 900; FOR- + GET; r. ME foryeten, OE forg ( i ) etan; c. OS fargetan, OHG firgezzan ]
Usage . Both FORGOT and FORGOTTEN are used as the past participle of FORGET: Many have already forgot (or forgotten ) the hard times of the Depression. Only FORGOTTEN is used attributively: half-forgotten memories.