[found] past and past part of find
[2]found adj (1793) 1: having all usual, standard, or reasonably expected equipment "the boat comes fully ~, ready to go --Holiday"
2: presented as or incorporated into an artistic work essentially as found "sculpture of fabric, wood, and other ~ materials --Hilton Kramer" [3]found n (1830): free food and lodging in addition to wages "they're paid $175 a month and ~ --New Yorker" [4]found vt [ME, fr. OF fonder, fr. L fundare, fr. fundus bottom--more at bottom] (13c) 1: to take the first steps in building
2: to set or ground on something solid: base
3: to establish (as an institution) often with provision for future maintenance [5]found vt [MF fondre to pour, melt, fr. L fundere; akin to OE geotan to pour, Gk chein] (1562): to melt (as metal) and pour into a mold