Meaning of FOUND in English

Synonyms and related words :

assemble, author, base, bear, bed, beget, begin, blaze, blister, block out, bottom, brand, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring to effect, bring to pass, bring up, broach, build, build in, burn, burn in, burn off, carve, cast, cause, cauterize, char, chase, chisel, christen, coal, commence, conceive, confirm, constitute, crack, create, cupel, cut, deep-dye, define, develop, do, effect, effectuate, efform, embed, engender, engraft, engrave, entrench, erect, establish, etch, fashion, father, figure, fix, flame, float, forge, form, formalize, frame, generate, gestate, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, grave, ground, hew, impact, implant, impress, imprint, inaugurate, incept, induct, infix, ingrain, initiate, inscribe, insculpture, install, institute, introduce, invest, jam, knead, knock out, launch, lay out, lay the foundation, lick into shape, lift up, lodge, make, materialize, mint, model, mold, occasion, organize, originate, oxidate, oxidize, pack, parch, pitch, plant, predicate, print, produce, put in, put up, pyrolyze, raise, realize, rear, rest, ring in, root, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, scorch, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, sear, seat, set, set afloat, set agoing, set in, set on foot, set up, settle, shape, singe, sire, solder, stamp, start, start going, start up, stay, stereotype, support, sustain, swinge, tailor, thermoform, torrefy, turn on, usher in, vesicate, vest, vulcanize, wedge, weld, work

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