[gain] n [ME gayne, fr. MF gaigne, gain, fr. OF gaaigne, gaaing, fr. gaaignier to till, earn, gain, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG weidanon to hunt for food, OE wath pursuit, hunt] (14c) 1: resources or advantage acquired or increased: profit "made substantial ~s last year"
2: the act or process of gaining 3 a: an increase in amount, magnitude, or degree "a ~ in efficiency" b: the increase (as of voltage or signal intensity) caused by an amplifier; esp: the ratio of output over input c: the signal-gathering ability of an antenna
[2]gain vt (14c) 1 a: to acquire or get possession of usu. by industry, merit, or craft "~ an advantage" "he stood to ~ a fortune" b: to win in competition or conflict "the troops ~ed enemy territory" c (1): to arrive at: reach, attain "~ed the river that night" (2): traverse, cover "~ed
10. yards on the play" d: to get by a natural development or process "~ strength" e: to establish a specific relationship with "~ a friend"
2. a: to make an increase of (a specified amount) "~ed 3% in the past month" b: to increase in (a particular quality) "~ momentum"
3: to win to one's side: persuade "~ adherents to a cause"
4: to cause to be obtained or given: attract "~ attention"
5. of a timepiece: to run fast by the amount of "the clock ~s a minute a day" ~ vi 1: to get advantage: profit "hoped to ~ by the deal"
2. a: increase "the day was ~ing in warmth" b: to increase in weight c: to improve in health or ability 3 of a timepiece: to run fast
4: to get closer to something pursued--usu. used with on or upon -- gain.er n -- gain ground : to make progress