[graze] vb grazed ; graz.ing [ME grasen, fr. OE grasian, fr. graes grass] vi (bef. 12c) 1: to feed on growing herbage, attached algae, or phytoplankton
2: to eat small amounts of various foods several times a day ~ vt 1 a: to crop and eat in the field b: to feed on the herbage of
2. a: to put to graze "grazed the cows on the meadow" b: to put cattle to graze on
3: to supply herbage for the grazing of -- graze.able or graz.able adj -- graz.er n
[2]graze n (1692) 1: an act of grazing
2: herbage for grazing [3]graze vb grazed ; graz.ing [perh. fr. [1]graze] vt (1604) 1: to touch lightly in passing
2: abrade, scratch "grazed her knee when she fell" ~ vi: to touch or rub against something in passing [4]graze n (1847): a scraping along a surface or an abrasion made by it; esp: a superficial abrasion of the skin