Meaning of GRAZE in English

vi to yield grass for grazing.

2. graze ·noun a light touch; a slight scratch.

3. graze ·vt to tend (cattle, ·etc.) while grazing.

4. graze ·vi to touch something lightly in passing.

5. graze ·noun the act of grazing; the cropping of grass.

6. graze ·vi to eat grass; to feed on growing herbage; as, cattle graze on the meadows.

7. graze ·vt to feed or supply (cattle, sheep, ·etc.) with grass; to furnish pasture for.

8. graze ·vt to rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing; as, the bullet grazed the wall.

9. graze ·vt to feed on; to eat (growing herbage); to eat grass from (a pasture); to browse.

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