[jar] vb jarred ; jar.ring [prob. of imit. origin] vi (1526) 1 a: to make a harsh or discordant sound b: to have a harshly disagreeable or disconcerting effect c: to be out of harmony; specif: bicker
2: to undergo severe vibration ~ vt: to cause to jar: as a: to affect disagreeably: unsettle b: to make unstable: shake -- jar.ring.ly adv
[2]jar n (1537) 1 a: a state or manifestation of discord or conflict b: a harsh grating sound
2. a: a sudden or unexpected shake b: an unsettling shock c: an unpleasant break or conflict in rhythm, flow, or transition [3]jar n [MF jarre, fr. OProv jarra, fr. Ar jarrah earthen water vessel] (1592) 1: a widemouthed container made typically of earthenware or glass
2: as much as a jar will hold -- jar.ful n [4]jar n [alter. of earlier char turn, fr. ME--more at chare] (1674) archaic: the position of being ajar--usu. used in the phrase on the jar