1. n.1 a a container of glass, earthenware, plastic, etc., usu. cylindrical. b the contents of this.
2 Brit. colloq. a glass of beer.
jarful n. (pl. -fuls).
Etymology: F jarre f. Arab. jarra 2. v. & n.
--v. (jarred, jarring)
1. intr. (often foll. by on) (of sound, words, manner, etc.) sound discordant or grating (on the nerves etc.).
2 a tr. (foll. by against, on) strike or cause to strike with vibration or a grating sound. b intr. (of a body affected) vibrate gratingly.
3 tr. send a shock through (a part of the body) (the fall jarred his neck).
4 intr. (often foll. by with) (of an opinion, fact, etc.) be at variance; be in conflict or in dispute.
1. a jarring sound or sensation.
2 a physical shock or jolt.
3 lack of harmony; disagreement.
Etymology: 16th c.: prob. imit. 3. n.Phrases and idioms:
on the jar ajar.
Etymology: late form of obs. char turn: see AJAR(1), CHAR(2)