Meaning of LINE in English

[line] n, often attrib [ME; partly fr. OF ligne, fr. L linea, fr. fem. of lineus made of flax, fr. linum flax; partly fr. OE line; akin to OE lin flax--more at linen] (bef. 12c) 1 a: thread, string, cord, rope: as (1): a comparatively strong slender cord (2): clothesline (3): a rope used on shipboard b (1): a device for catching fish consisting of a cord with hooks and other fishing gear (2): scope for activity: rope c: a length of material used in measuring and leveling d: piping for conveying a fluid (as steam) e (1): a wire or pair of wires connecting one telegraph or telephone station with another or a whole system of such wires; also: any circuit in an electronic communication system (2): a telephone connection "tried to get a ~"; also: an individual telephone extension "a call on ~ 2" (3): the principal circuits of an electric power system

2. a (1): a horizontal row of written or printed characters; also: a blank row in lieu of such characters (2): a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the grouping of a number of the smallest units of the rhythm (as metrical feet) (3): an often numbered section of a computer program containing a single command or a small number of commands b: a short letter: note c pl: a certificate of marriage d: the words making up a part in a drama--usu. used in pl. e: any of the successive horizontal rows of picture elements on the screen of a cathode-ray tube (as a television screen) 3 a: something (as a ridge or seam) that is distinct, elongated, and narrow b: a narrow crease (as on the face): wrinkle c: the course or direction of something in motion: route d (1): a state of agreement or conformity: accordance (2): a state of order, control, or obedience "you're getting out of ~" e: a boundary of an area "the state ~" f: the track and roadbed of a railway g: an amount of cocaine that is arranged in a line to be inhaled through the nose

4. a: a course of conduct, action, or thought b: a field of activity or interest c: a glib often persuasive way of talking

5. a: limit, restraint b archaic: position in life: lot

6. a (1): family, lineage (2): a strain produced and maintained esp. by selective breeding or biological culture (3): a chronological series b: dispositions made to cover extended military positions and presenting a front to the enemy--usu. used in pl. c: a military formation in which the different elements are abreast of each other d: naval ships arranged in a regular order e (1 also lin.ey adj -- between the lines 1: by implication: in an indirect way

2: by way of inference -- down the line : all the way: fully -- in line for : due or in a position to receive -- on line : in or into operation -- on the line 1: in complete commitment and at great risk "puts his future on the line by backing that policy"

2: on the border between two categories

3: immediately "paid cash on the line"

[2]line vb lined ; vt (1530) 1: to mark or cover with a line or lines "lined paper"

2: to depict with lines: draw

3: to place or form a line along "pedestrians ~ the walks"

4: to form into a line or lines: align "~ up troops"

5: to hit (as a baseball) hard and in a usu. straight line ~ vi 1: to hit a line drive in baseball

2: to come into the correct relative position: align [3]line vt lined ; [ME, fr. line flax, fr. OE lin] (14c) 1: to cover the inner surface of "~ a cloak with silk"

2: to put something in the inside of: fill

3: to serve as the lining of "tapestries lined the walls"

4. obs: fortify -- line one's pockets : to take money freely and esp. dishonestly

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