[lit.tle] adj lit.tler or less or less.er ; lit.tlest or least [ME littel, fr. OE lytel; akin to OHG luzzil little] (bef. 12c) 1: not big: as a: small in size or extent: tiny "has ~ feet" b: young "was too ~ to remember" c of a plant or animal: small in comparison with related forms--used in vernacular names d: small in number e: small in condition, distinction, or scope "big business trampling on the ~ fellow" f: narrow, mean "the pettiness of ~ minds" g: pleasingly small "a cute ~ thing" h--used as an intensive "why, you ~ devil]"
2: not much: as a: existing only in a small amount or to a slight degree "has ~ money" b: short in duration: brief c: existing to an appreciable though not extensive degree or amount--used with a "had a ~ money in the bank"
3: small in importance or interest: trivial syn see small -- lit.tle.ness n
[2]little adv less ; least (bef. 12c) 1 a: in only a small quantity or degree: slightly "facts that were ~ known at the time" b: not at all "cared ~ for their neighbors"
2: rarely, infrequently [3]little n (bef. 12c) 1: a small amount, quantity, or degree; also: practically nothing "~ has changed"
2. a: a short time b: a short distance -- a little : somewhat, rather "found the play a little dull" -- in little : on a small scale; esp: in miniature