Meaning of MIDDLE in English

[mid.dle] adj [ME middel, fr. OE; akin to OE midde] (bef. 12c) 1: equally distant from the extremes: medial, central "the ~ house in the row"

2: being at neither extreme: intermediate 3 cap a: constituting a division intermediate between those prior and later or upper and lower "Middle Paleozoic" b: constituting a period of a language or literature intermediate between one called Old and one called New or Modern "Middle Dutch"

4. of a verb form or voice: typically asserting that a person or thing both performs and is affected by the action represented

[2]middle n (bef. 12c) 1: a middle part, point, or position

2: the central portion of the human body: waist

3: the position of being among or in the midst of something

4: something intermediate between extremes: mean

5: the center of an offensive or defensive formation; esp: the area between the second baseman and the shortstop

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