[min.ute] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL minuta, fr. L minutus small, fr. pp. of minuere to lessen--more at minor] (14c) 1: a 60th part of an hour of time or of a degree: 60 seconds
2: the distance one can traverse in a minute
3: a short space of time: moment
4. a: a brief note (as of summary or recommendation) b: memorandum, draft c pl: the official record of the proceedings of a meeting
[2]minute vt min.ut.ed ; min.ut.ing (ca. 1648): to make notes or a brief summary of [3]mi.nute adj mi.nut.er ; -est [L minutus] (ca. 1626) 1: very small: infinitesimal
2: of small importance: trifling
3: marked by close attention to details syn see small, circumstantial -- mi.nute.ness n