1. n. & v.
1. the sixtieth part of an hour.
2 a distance covered in one minute (twenty minutes from the station).
3 a a moment; an instant; a point of time (expecting her any minute; the train leaves in a minute). b (prec. by the) colloq. the present time (what are you doing at the minute?). c (foll. by clause) as soon as (call me the minute you get back).
4 the sixtieth part of an angular degree.
5 (in pl.) a brief summary of the proceedings at a meeting.
6 an official memorandum authorizing or recommending a course of action.
1. record (proceedings) in the minutes.
2 send the minutes to (a person).
Phrases and idioms:
just (or wait) a minute
1. a request to wait for a short time.
2 as a prelude to a query or objection. minute-gun a gun fired at intervals of a minute at funerals etc. minute hand the hand on a watch or clock which indicates minutes. minute steak a thin slice of steak to be cooked quickly. up to the minute completely up to date.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. LL minuta (n.), f. fem. of minutus MINUTE(2): senses
1. & 4 of noun f. med.L pars minuta prima first minute part (cf. SECOND(2)): senses 5 & 6 perh. f. med.L minuta scriptura draft in small writing 2. adj. (minutest)
1. very small.
2 trifling, petty.
3 (of an inquiry, inquirer, etc.) accurate, detailed, precise.
minutely adv. minuteness n.
Etymology: ME f. L minutus past part. of minuere lessen