Meaning of MOCK in English

[mock] vb [ME, fr. MF mocquer] vt (15c) 1: to treat with contempt or ridicule: deride

2: to disappoint the hopes of

3: defy, challenge

4. a: to imitate (as a mannerism) closely: mimic b: to mimic in sport or derision ~ vi: jeer, scoff syn see ridicule, copy -- n -- adv

[2]mock n (15c) 1: an act of ridicule or derision: jeer

2: one that is an object of derision or scorn

3: mockery

4. a: an act of imitation b: something made as an imitation [3]mock adj (1548): of, relating to, or having the character of an imitation: simulated, feigned "the ~ solemnity of the parody" [4]mock adv (ca. 1619): in an insincere or counterfeit manner--usu. used in combination "mock-serious"

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