— mockable , adj. — mocker , n. — mockingly , adv.
/mok/ , v.t.
1. to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision.
2. to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech; mimic derisively.
3. to mimic, imitate, or counterfeit.
4. to challenge; defy: His actions mock convention.
5. to deceive, delude, or disappoint.
6. to use ridicule or derision; scoff; jeer (often fol. by at ).
7. mock up , to build a mock-up of.
8. a contemptuous or derisive imitative action or speech; mockery or derision.
9. something mocked or derided; an object of derision.
10. an imitation; counterfeit; fake.
11. Shipbuilding.
a. a hard pattern representing the surface of a plate with a warped form, upon which the plate is beaten to shape after furnacing.
b. bed (def. 23).
12. feigned; not real; sham: a mock battle.
[ 1400-50; late ME mokken mocquer ]
Syn. 1. deride; taunt, flout, gibe; chaff, tease. See ridicule. 5. cheat, dupe, fool, mislead.