[north] adv [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG nord north and perh. to Gk nerteros lower, infernal] (bef. 12c): to, toward, or in the north
[2]north adj (bef. 12c) 1: situated toward or at the north "the ~ entrance"
2: coming from the north "a ~ wind" [3]north n (13c) 1 a: the direction of the north terrestrial pole: the direction to the left of one facing east b: the compass point directly opposite to south
2. cap a: regions or countries lying to the north of a specified or implied point of orientation b: the industrially and economically developed nations of the world--compare south 3 often cap a: the one of four positions at 90-degree intervals that lies to the north or at the top of a diagram b: a person occupying this position in the course of a specified activity (as the game of bridge)