Meaning of PALATINE in English

[pal.a.tine] adj [ME, fr. L palatinus imperial, fr. palatium] (15c) 1 a: possessing royal privileges b: of or relating to a palatine or a palatinate

2. a: of or relating to a palace esp. of a Roman or Holy Roman emperor b: palatial

[2]palatine n [LL palatinus imperial official, fr. L palatinus, adj.] (1591) 1 a: a feudal lord having sovereign power within his domains b: a high officer of an imperial palace

2. cap: a native or inhabitant of the Palatinate

3: a fur cape or stole covering the neck and shoulders [3]palatine adj [F palatin, fr. L palatum palate] (ca. 1656): of, relating to, or lying near the palate [4]palatine n (1854): either of a pair of bones that are situated behind and between the maxillae and in humans are of extremely irregular form

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