I. ˈpa-lə-ˌtīn adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin palatinus imperial, from palatium
Date: 15th century
a. : possessing royal privileges
b. : of or relating to a palatine or a palatinate
a. : of or relating to a palace especially of a Roman or Holy Roman emperor
b. : palatial
II. -ˌtīn, 3 is also -ˌtēn noun
Etymology: Late Latin palatinus imperial official, from Latin palatinus, adjective
Date: 1591
a. : a feudal lord having sovereign power within his domains
b. : a high officer of an imperial palace
2. capitalized : a native or inhabitant of the Palatinate
[French, from Elisabeth Charlotte of Bavaria died 1722 Princess Palatine ]
: a fur cape or stole covering the neck and shoulders
III. -ˌtīn adjective
Etymology: French palatin, from Latin palatum palate
Date: circa 1656
: of, relating to, or lying near the palate
IV. -ˌtīn noun
Date: 1854
: either of a pair of bones that are situated behind and between the maxillae and in humans are of extremely irregular form