[pick up] vt (14c) 1 a: to take hold of and lift up b: to gather together: collect "picked up all the pieces" c: to clean up: tidy
2: to take (passengers or freight) into a vehicle 3 a: to acquire casually or by chance "picked up a valuable antique at an auction" b: to acquire by study or experience: learn "picking up a great deal of knowledge in the process --Robert Schleicher" c: to obtain esp. by payment: buy "picked up some groceries" d: to acquire (a player) esp. from another team through a trade or by financial recompense e: to accept for the purpose of paying "offered to pick up the tab" f: to come down with: catch "picked up a cold" g: gain "picked up a few yards on the last play"
4. a: to enter informally into conversation or companionship with (a previously unknown person) "had a brief affair with a girl he picked up in a bar" b: to take into custody "the police picked up the fugitive"
5. a: to catch sight of: perceive "picked up the harbor lights" b: to come to and follow "picked up the outlaw's trail" c: to bring within range of sight or hearing "pick up distant radio signals" d: understand, catch "didn't pick up the hint"
6. a: revive b: increase 7: to resume after a break: continue "pick up the discussion tomorrow" 8: to assume responsibility for guarding (an opponent) in an athletic contest ~ vi 1: to recover speed, vigor, or activity: improve "after the strike, business picked up"
2: to put things in order "was always picking up after her"
3: to pack up one's belongings "couldn't just pick up and leave" -- pick up on 1 a: understand, appreciate b: to become aware of: notice
2: to adopt as one's own: take up