Meaning of ROACH in English

[roach] n, pl roach also [ME roche, fr. MF] (13c) 1: a silver-green European freshwater cyprinid fish (Rutilus rutilus); also: any of various related fishes (as some shiners)

2: any of several American freshwater sunfishes (family Centrarchidae)

[2]roach n [origin unknown] (1794) 1: a curved cut in the edge of a sail to prevent chafing or to secure a better fit

2: a roll of hair brushed straight back from the forehead or side of the head [3]roach vt (1818) 1: to cut (as a horse's mane) so that the remainder stands upright

2: to cause to arch; specif: to brush (the hair) in a roach--often used with up [4]roach n [by shortening] (ca. 1848) 1: cockroach

2: the butt of a marijuana cigarette

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