Jackie Whites for chub from the blockhouse, with one or two good roach bags around the outfall.
Crane for plenty of small fish from the bottom end, and some good nets of roach from the Ashtip Field.
Swineford second field producing chub and a few good roach .
Kelston for good nets of roach , chub, perch and odd bream from pegs below the weir.
Dorset Stour. Good bags of roach , bream and chub throughout.
Downstream, the Bartensham section is turning up some good roach .
Slow, even before ice, with small roach and perch.
He pole fished pinkies at eight metres for a dozen small roach to 5 oz.
Leeds were given the fish by a benefactor, their task was to remove the many small roach and skimmer bream.
Dace and roach on the Salmon Hall stretch but chub main target to big baits.
He caught a good couple of pounds of roach on ledgered casters from bites that were all but invisible.
He was like a roach , could melt into the cracked recesses of the tenements all around.
Quality roach boosting returns in Chester, legered bronze maggot best.
Skimmers, roach and small perch from most Liverpool sections but pike active.
Swineford second field producing chub and a few good roach .
To them, roach spray may simply carry a nasty odor.