[ro.tate] adj [L rota] (1785): having the parts flat and spreading or radiating like the spokes of a wheel "~ blue flowers"
[2]ro.tate vb ro.tat.ed ; ro.tat.ing [L rotatus, pp. of rotare, fr. rota wheel--more at roll] vi (1808) 1: to turn about an axis or a center: revolve; esp: to move in such a way that all particles follow circles with a common angular velocity about a common axis
2. a: to perform an act, function, or operation in turn b: to pass or alternate in a series ~ vt 1 a: to cause to turn or move about an axis or a center b: to cause (a plane region or line) to sweep out a volume or surface by moving around an axis so that each of its points remains at a constant distance from the axis "generate a torus by rotating a circle about an external line"
2: to cause to grow in rotation "~ crops"
3: to cause to pass or act in a series: alternate
4: to exchange (individuals or units) with others -- ro.tat.able adj