[slick] vb [ME sliken; akin to OHG slihhan to glide] vt (14c): to make sleek or smooth ~ vi: spruce--usu. used with up
[2]slick adj (14c) 1 a: having a smooth surface: slippery "~ wet leaves" b: having surface plausibility or appeal: glib, glossy "~ advertising" c: based on stereotype: trite "~ stories soon forgotten"
2. archaic: sleek 1 3 a: characterized by subtlety or nimble wit: clever; esp: wily "a reputation as a ~ operator" b: deft, skillful "a ~ ballplayer"
4: extremely good: first-rate syn see sleek, sly -- slick adv -- slick.ly adv -- slick.ness n [3]slick n (1849) 1 a: something that is smooth or slippery; esp: a smooth patch of water covered with a film of oil b: a film of oil
2: an implement for producing a slick surface: as a: a flat paddle usu. of steel for smoothing a sample of flour b: a foundry tool for smoothing the surface of a sand mold or unbaked core
3: a shrewd untrustworthy person
4: a popular magazine printed on coated stock and intended to appeal to sophisticated readers
5: an automobile tire made without a tread for maximum traction (as in drag racing)